Sunday, August 06, 2006

Do the Bucs have a plan?

What kind of trading deadline deals were these:
- Kip Wells to Texas for a minor leaguer -- OK, trading Kip is neither a surprise nor a bad thing since the Bucs appear to be stocked with pitchers. But Kip was pitching well (no pun) of late and to get just a minor league pitcher for him is disappointing.

- Craig Wilson to the Yankees for Shawn Chacon: Giving up Wilson for a guy that the Yankees were likely to release? Why did Bucs management not like Wilson? What are the chances that Chacon is with the team next year? Not high I bet.

- Oliver Perez/Roberto Hernandez to the Mets for Xavier Nady: No issue trading Hernandez and getting anything in return. Perez is the big gamble. Either the Bucs are going to look for this if Perez continues to struggle (and his first minor league appearance for the Mets was another disaster) or they will look like they gave up too early again on a young pitcher (see Bronson Arroyo).

- Sean Casey to Detroit for a minor leaguer: OK. Expensive guy for something. But figured that this would be followed by a trade for a 1st basemen. That trade never came, so who is the first baseman for next year? Eldred? I doubt it. Free agent signing? Who knows. Hopefully they have a plan.


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